Climate, Spirituality, & Faith

For millennia humans have sought, through spirituality and religion, to answer questions about the place of our species within the universe; the purpose of individual existence; the relationship of individuals to the broader group; and the right way to live in the world in the face of pain, suffering, and confusion.

All of these themes are relevant to current situation we humans face with climate disruption. So it is not surprising that many who are struggling with climate anxiety, depression, and grief, turn to spiritual and religious teachings to help understand, make meaning of, and find guidance around the experience of living on a damaged planet.

This scene from the film First Reformed illustrates one aspect of this struggle to make sense of the ecological crisis:

While First Reformed explores these themes through a Christian lens, ecological- and climate-related themes can be, and have been, explored by people of many different faiths. Considering the scope of the challenge, we may need the accumulated wisdom, leadership, and community of many religious and spiritual teachings if we are to to find a way forward (while hopefully leaving behind those perspectives and viewpoints that stand in the way of compassion and justice).

Various religious writers and teachers, as well as psychologists and journalists, have written about the climate change in relation to spirituality and faith. Some write specifically from a religious perspective; others use themes, such as mindfulness, that are rooted in spiritual traditions but have been integrated into secular fields, like psychology. We seek, here, to provide a few examples of this discourse, from a range of spiritual perspectives.

Whether you follow a particular faith, are non-religious, or are an atheist, we encourage you to explore the ways in which various teachings have approached the issue of climate change (for the record, Climate & Mind does not endorse a particular spiritual or religious perspective).

One place to start is Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology. Among other resources, they provide a list of Climate Change Statements from a range of world religions. In addition, here is a short selection of resources by writers, psychologists, activists, and spiritual teachers, from a range of faiths and spiritual perspectives, on themes relevant to Climate & Mind:

(listed in alphabetical order by author)

We are actively looking to expand this list.
If you have recommendations for resources, please contact us at:
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